
Educational Technology at Glebe

Glebe's Instructional Technology Coordinator

Rosa Navas, M.Ed., DDLS

Picture of Glebe's ITC Rosa Navas

Rosa Navas is the Instructional Technology Coordinator, or ITC, at Glebe Elementary. As such, Ms. Navas strives to build instructional capacity to empower educators to facilitate student learning through the integration of educational technology. Ms. Navas obtained her B.A. degree in Political Science from Northeastern University, her Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from George Mason University and more recently, her Graduate Certificate in Designing Digital Learning in Schools from George Mason University.  Ms. Navas started her career in APS as a Special Education teacher at Escuela Key in the early 2000’s, and has taught Spanish at Wakefield and FLES at Barrett Elementary.  She is an active member of professional organizations such as ISTE (the International Society of Technology Educators) and AEA (Arlington Education Association). She holds five endorsements in her teaching license: Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Special Education, English as a Second Language, Spanish and Family and Consumer Sciences. Ms. Navas is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Instructional Technology Coordinator (ITC)

First and foremost, the ITCs in APS  are full-time-equivalent licensed teachers. Their primary purpose is to train teachers in technology use. In this role, they are also agents of change and are actively engaged in curriculum development and lesson planning. It is not the responsibility of the ITC to evaluate a teacher’s performance; however, ITCs should work with teachers to assess the effectiveness of technology-based lessons. The job of the ITC is mandated by the Virginia Department of Education and often is known as ITRT (Instructional Technology Resource Teachers) in other Virginia school districts.  The ITCs role in education started in 2004, when the Virginia General Assembly authorized and funded two new education positions: ITRTs and technology support staff. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, there are Digital Learning Integration Standards of Learning that ITCs in Arlington Public School follow to ensure students have deeper and more enriching learning experiences. ITCs in APS utilize the ISTE Standards as a framework to guide their work in learning, teaching and leading.

Professional Development

Per the Virginia Department of Education, “the primary role of the ITC is collaboration with educators by facilitating professional learning to ensure the integration digital learning throughout the curriculum. The role of the ITC is unique in that it serves as educator, coach, resource, and advocate. Each of these four roles work together to collaboratively develop the relationship among the ITC,the students, the teachers and administrators, and the community at large”. Professional Development duties of ITCs include:

  • Coaches and teachers model the use of online and blended learning, digital content, and collaborative learning networks to support and extend student learning as well as expand opportunities for online professional development for teachers and administrators
  • Meets with other division technology and instructional support personnel to plan division-wide professional development to serve all schools
  • Assesses levels of teacher and student instructional technology use and skills/needs before planning, developing, and implementing training materials and sessions
  • Provides training for staff in the use of database applications
  • Coaches and assists the teachers and staff assigned to the school in integrating school-based applications in theirl essons
  • Identifies technology integration competencies among instructional staff, in collaboration with school administrators, and delivers appropriate coaching, training, and resources to support the professional growth of individuals

ITC’s Role in Assessments

While the School Testing Coordinator (STC) manages testing administration for the building, the school Technician prepares student devices for testing, both 1:1 and shared, and the ITC provides Level 1 tech support on testing days to ensure students can access the testing platform. Technicians ensure devices are in working condition and that schools have an appropriate number of shared devices.

Level 1 Support

ITCs time may be continually tied up with providing technical support. This was the impetus for creating the technology support positions managed from the Information Services Department. ITCs should assist with troubleshooting only when the problem is minor and hindering a lesson with which they are involved. Otherwise, if requested, ITCs should help teachers or administrators contact the proper technical support personnel. Please read the document : Level 1 Technical Support Instructional Technology Coordinator Responsibilities, which outlines the scope of the ITC’s role in technical support in the schools.  For ipad help: