
Chorus and Instrumental Concert

4th and 5th grade chorus, band, and orchestra performed in front of a big crowd of family and Glebe staff. Big thank you Mr. Kamenski, Ms. Haserodt, and Ms. Bok for all of their hard work to make this happen!!!

concert 13 4th grade chorus performing at end of year concert 4th grade chorus performing at end of year concert

5th grade chorus at end of year concert 5th grade chorus during end of year concert 5th grade chorus during end of year concert 4th and 5th grade orchestra during end of year concert 4th and 5th grade band at end of year concert 4th and 5th grade band at end of year concert 4th and 5th grade band at end of year concert 4th and 5th grade band at end of year concert 4th and 5th grade orchestra during end of year concert 4th and 5th grade orchestra during end of year concert 4th and 5th grade orchestra during end of year concert 4th grade girls performing at intermission

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